Sunday, January 30, 2011

Some of the major spots to visit in Lalitpur : 1. Durbar Square:

Patan Dubar Square
This is the Royal Palace complex built during the Malla period and stood as the capital part till 17th century. Situated in the heart of the city, it constitutes the salient focus of an alien visitor's attraction. The square is built of ancient palaces, temples, shrines and statues noted for their exquisite carvings. We owe all these grandeurs to the sovereign Malla dynasty. The last of the Malla dynasty was late King Tej Narsingh Malla. There include three main courtyards, the first being the Keshab Narayan Chowk which we have gotten to enter through the Golden Window; the second being the Taleju Vawani Chowk; and the third being the Sudari Chowk carrying the Royal Bath called Tushahity. The single stone pillar on which sits late King Yog Narendra Malla facing the Taleju Vawani Temple to the cardinal direction of east and the Gigantic Bell to its right are also worth mentioning. The Patan Dubar Square too forms a World Heritage Site.


  1. HTC Desire Graphite Text 500 :This is the Royal Palace complex built during the Malla period and stood as the capital part till 17th century.

  2. HTC Desire Graphite Refurbished Text 500 :The square is built of ancient palaces, temples, shrines and statues noted for their exquisite carvings
